Pilot project using iron sand drainage achieves significant phosphate reduction

Pilot project using iron sand drainage achieves significant phosphate reduction

The knowledge and expertise passed down through three generations are the keys to the success of our family business. To ensure that we can hand down a healthy and sustainable company to the next (5th) generation, JUB Holland actively contributes to the development of a more sustainable flower bulb sector, focusing on improving the living environment (the environment).

As a company, we are aware of the challenges regarding water quality in the bulb-growing region. One of the main issues is the high phosphate levels in surface water, which need to be reduced. Between 2021 and 2024, we collaborated with Deltares and the Rijnland Water Authority on a long-term pilot project using iron sand drainage to improve water quality.

What’s the result? A great partnership, a wealth of data, and a positive impact on phosphate runoff into surface water. Dolph Uittenbogaard (JUB Holland) and Stefan Jansen (Deltares) share more about it here: Pilot project using iron sand drainage achieves significant phosphate reduction.

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