Spring Growth Has Begun in ‘A Mysterious Dutch Still Life’

Spring Growth Has Begun in ‘A Mysterious Dutch Still Life’

Spring Growth in Full Swing: ‘A Mysterious Dutch Still Life’ Comes to Life

The first signs of bloom are here! At Keukenhof, the borders are slowly awakening from their winter sleep – and that includes our own creation: A Mysterious Dutch Still Life. The first shoots of tulips and naturalising bulbs are breaking through the soil, setting the stage for what's to come: a classic floral scene in full bloom.

A Still Life in Progress

Last autumn, we planted our border at Keukenhof – something we’ve proudly done every year since 2019. This year, designer Carien van Boxtel created a concept inspired by the dramatic and asymmetrical floral still lifes of 17th-century painter Willem van Aelst. His work was anything but static – and you’ll see that dynamic energy reflected in our planting design.

The First Colours Are Showing

The deep tones and red highlights that define the design are already visible in the buds. The carefully curated mix of tulips and naturalising bulbs is beginning to show its potential. What now looks like a quiet promise will soon burst into a vibrant display – like a painting gradually revealing itself.

Soon in Full Bloom

In the coming weeks, the design will grow into a living work of art. Visitors to Keukenhof can find our border in its usual location – and those who look closely will see a still life by Van Aelst brought to life in bulb form.

Curious about the full design?

Check out the full concept here: jubholland.nl/en/keukenhof/still-life

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