flower Bulbs for cutting gardens

A unique bouquet quickly created

Create your own picking garden

You have beautifully blooming bulbous flowers in the borders that you would love to pick and put in a vase. But... that does spoil the appearance in the borders. It is therefore better to create a separate cut flower / bulb picking garden. Then your cut flowers are actually a crop grown especially for picking.

Whether it's 10 m2 or 100 m2, it does take some thought to get started. When it comes to flower bulbs, it is important to make choices. What colours, types and flowering time do you have in mind. For the most successful picking garden possible, the right varieties need to be chosen. Not every daffodil or tulip is also a good cut flower. We will gladly advise you. This way, next spring, you can fill your vase with beautiful bulbous flowers from your own picking garden.

JUB Holland
JUB Holland
JUB Holland

suitable bulbs

Choosing which varieties to use naturally depends on several factors. Your available space and your personal wishes: height, colour, double, fringed, fragrance, early or late flowering.
Contact one of our specialists for the possibilities.


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